This is a sensitive upcoming recording project. The Nuba Mountains are inhabited by over 3.7 million people, dominated by the Muslim religion – over 90%. The region is among the most dangerous places in Sudan, It has experienced continuous hostility, and fighting between armed groups and the government’s military.

Our research on the Heiban community led us to Cairo, Egypt. We found the Heiban-speaking community that has fled from Sudan and temporarily lives in Cairo. The instability and hostile conditions in their country have largely affected the Christian worshipers (who are less than 6% of the population), many have been killed, and churches burnt. Earning a livelihood and going to school became a challenge.

The Heibans in Cairo believe that the Audio Bible will bring the Word of God to as many who have been affected and introduce them to the hope that is found in Jesus. Pray with us as we prepare to record this language.

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