In early May 2024, we met Pastor Josiah Wambua of AIC Milimani in Nairobi during a youth Sunday Fellowship with the theme ‘Mission Mindset’. During this Fellowship, Theovision Kenya was given an opportunity to share with youth what mission ministry is, and how to participate in it.
After the fellowship, Pastor Josiah approached us. He expressed his desire to see one day the people of Kaivisi village listening to the Word of God in their heart’s language. He said, “The church in that village needs a revival, and Audio Bibles program will be ideal”.
Two months later, we were in Kaivisi village, Mwingi, Kitui County. As we arrived on Thursday evening, we started by showing the Jesus film in the Kamba language outside the AIC Church. Though the area is dark, and has no electricity, over 60 locals came to watch the film. The desire and curiosity on the faces of the villagers to see the life of Jesus was palpable. After the film, one of the elders urged that the film be shown again so that more people can have the opportunity to watch and be transformed.
The following day, 26 leaders showed up and were trained on how to use the audio Bibles and to form Bible Listening Groups. Martha Musili, one of the elderly trainees praised God for the training and availability of the Audio Bible. She said, “I can’t read, I only understand Kamba, I am a widow, and my children have grown and gone to boarding schools, there was no one to read for me the Kiswahili Bible. Now I can listen to the living Word of God with my friends. This training, God made it happen for me, He has heard and answered my prayers.” After the training, Martha rushed home and brought a white full-grown cock (considered to be one of the highest-valued gifts, one can give in her culture), pigeon peas, and pumpkins as presents for us.
Mercy Kanyaa testified and said “God has visited this village that has been covered by darkness and witchcraft for a long time. The darkness has been defeated by the light of the Word of God.”
Vilisila Kamene’s son came in the evening from school and found her mother listening to the audio Bible. He asked her where she had got the ‘radio’ that speaks the Word of God, the mother responded that she was given in Church during the training. The young man rode his bicycle in the dark to the pastor’s house, a distance of almost 4 kilometres, asking to be given his own Bible.
We thank God for the hunger and thirst He has put in the hearts of many to listen to the Word of God.